Russell Kohl, MD

Russell Kohl, MD, FAAFP is chief medical officer and chief operating officer at TMF Health Quality Institute, a Medicare Quality Improvement Network Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO). In his roles at TMF, Dr. Kohl works across the organization to lead its Innovation and Analytics Team, as well as leading direct technical assistance to over 5,000 medicare providers across the spectrum of healthcare. He has been recognized as a Subject Matter Expert by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in the fields of Quality Improvement, Healthcare Technology Security, and Primary Care System Design.

He holds an engineering degree from Oklahoma State University and is a graduate of the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine, where he also completed his residency. He served as the Paul Tietze Endowed Chair in Family Medicine at the OU School of Community Medicine in Tulsa and was a longterm faculty member at the Ramona Rural Residency Program. His current clinical practice is providing street medicine within homeless encampments throughout the Kansas City metropolitan area with the nonprofit Care Beyond the Boulevard. In addition to his clinical and administrative work, he is the current Speaker of the Congress of Delegates for the American Academy of Family Physicians and is a Colonel and Chief Flight Surgeon in the Air National Guard, where he currently serves as State Air Surgeon for the state of Missouri.