Jason Beaman, DO, MS, MPH, FAPA

Dr. Beaman completed medical school at Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences in Tulsa. He then completed two simultaneous residencies in Psychiatry and Family Medicine at the University of Oklahoma-Tulsa. After residency, he completed a fellowship in Forensic Psychiatry at Case Western Reserve University and subsequently obtained board certification in Addiction Medicine. After fellowship, he obtained a Master of Science in Pharmacy from the University of Florida and a master’s in public health from Johns Hopkins University.

Dr. Beaman served as the Chair of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at Oklahoma State University for 8 years before being promoted to the Chair of the School of Forensic Sciences, where he leads the Forensic Psychology, Threat Assessment, and Crime Analysis divisions. He also serves as the assistant director of the forensic psychiatry fellowship. Dr. Beaman’s area of current include the motives of criminal behavior, the intersection of methamphetamine and violence, and the epidemiology of Adverse Childhood Experiences, among others.