Fri, Aug 23rd, 2024
AOA Category 1-A CME
Grand Ballroom

Reaching for Your Own Stars: A Recipe to Succeed in Life


NASA engineer Jose Hernandez wanted to fly in space ever since he heard that the first Hispanic-American had been chosen to travel into space. “I was hoeing a row of sugar beets in a field near Stockton, Calif., and I heard on my transistor radio that Franklin Chang-Diaz had been selected for the Astronaut Corps,” says Hernandez, who was a senior in high school at the time. Hernandez remembers, “that was the moment I said, ‘I want to fly in space.” That hard work has paid off. After a long journey, he was selected to begin training as a mission specialist as part of the 2004 astronaut candidate class. Join Dr. Hernandez as he inspires attendees through his anecdotal stories of hard work and perseverance. You will be motivated to re-evaluate and upgrade your personal and professional goals in life using strategies of a simple yet effective recipe that serves as an effective tool in the empowerment process.

Astronaut, Farmer, Engineer, Scientist, Author